Walking Canes Review
Thursday, May 04, 2006
On March 14th the first of a series of posts about quad canes was posted. Quad canes provide added stability for those who may suffer from muscle weakness due to stroke or illness.
The next article posted the 20th of March was about heavy duty quad canes for heavier users. Heavy duty quad canes can support weights up to 500 lbs. are good for people who want more stability and assurance when walking, maybe after knee, foot, or hip surgery.
March 21st began a series of articles on adjustable folding canes. Folding canes are perfect for traveling because after use they fold up and can be put in a purse, bag or suitcase. They are much easier to use when on the go than a normal straight cane.
The next day on the 22nd of March we went into more detail about folding canes and featured a few of our favorite canes from FashionableCanes.com, including the Floral Delight Folding Cane, the Elite Series Brown Adjustable, the E-Z Quick Telescopic Cane, and the Adjustable cane with Palm Grip Handle.
That same day we posted an article about how FashionableCanes.com was honored to be featured in a Stuff Magazine article in October of 2005. The cane featured was a Skull Handle Sterling Silver walking cane that houses a 20" sword inside it. Collectors of canes will love this unique and fashionable cane.
Jump forward a bit to April 19th and we posted a detailed article about how Aluminum canes are superior to many other canes on the market, mostly because aluminum is lightweight and malleable. Aluminum canes are versatile and strong, and will last for many years to come.
Again on April 19th we posted an in depth look at some of the aluminum canes offered by FashionableCanes.com including the J-Handle Aluminum cane which houses 5 glass vials perfect for storing cigars in.
Then on April 30th we started an series on Fancy canes. Fancy canes are perfect for a special occasion or for a cane collector to add to their collection.
Going into more detail about fancy and collector canes, the next article discussed authentic replica canes and vintage antique canes, including canes with colored glass handles that were very popular in the early 1900's.
Then we featured some of our favorite fancy canes in the next article, including a tourist handled walking cane with a sword sheathed inside it, and a very popular scrimshaw cane made from resin to look like authentic scrimshaw.
We will continue to post details about more fancy canes found on FashionableCanes.com as well as other exciting articles about canes and cane collecting.
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