Adjustable Folding Canes
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Folding canes are easily adjustable, they fold out to the height the user needs to use the cane, according to the person's height and comfort zone. When the person doesn't need to use the cane they can easily fold the cane and place it into a bag, purse, pocket or suitcase.
Many healthcare experts recommend their patients who regularly use walking aids to use adjustable folding canes. An adjustable folding cane provides convenience while still allowing the user to walk comfortably and with the needed stability they need to know they will not fall while walking. Adjustable folding canes are available in many sizes and are ideal for travel or if the person doesn't want the cane to take up a lot of space.
Folding canes fold down to a small size of around 5½" to 11½". This allows the user to fold the cane up and put it someplace out of the way once they do not need to use it any longer. Commonly they are contructed of aluminum alloy to make it very lightweight, and folding canes can weigh less than a pound. That does not mean they cannot support weight though, most folding canes can support up to 250 lbs of weight.
Folding canes are perfect for someone on the go, they are easy to carry because they can be stashed away in a purse or bag, satchel or briefcase when not in use, and they are extremely lightweight. When going on vacation, or just out for the afternoon, a folding walking cane can make the journey easier. There is no need to take a bulky straight cane when a folding cane can be popped into a purse, and retrieved when needed. It really makes traveling easier for those who need mobility assistance.
This is the first part of a two part series about adjustable folding canes. has a wide selection of folding canes thare are ideal for traveling, vacations, or just for an easy to use foldaway cane.
Tags: folding canes, adjustable canes
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