Heavy Duty Quad Canes
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sometimes if the cane user is over weight, or has had surgery in the knee, foot or hip, they will prefer a good quad walking canes over a normal straight walking canes.
Heavy duty quad canes are built in such a way that they have a lower center of gravity and the material used to design it is lightweight aluminum or other alloy metals.
Some heavy duty quad canes can hold a weight of up to 500 lbs. Heavy duty quad canes make extra effort to be easy to use, they usually have a synthetic rubber handle which can be easily turned around to fit into a right handed or left handed person.
Quad canes are adjustable, you can adjust the shaft of the cane from 30" up to 39, depending on the height of the user. A good quad cane will feature an anti-rattle lock, which helps to tighten the cane after adjusting to the exact height needed and then will not rattle or move after locking. A cane that rattles is not one that is going to be used, make sure the quad cane you look to buy includes an anti-rattle lock enhancement.
High quality quad canes are designed in such a way that their main function is to provide additional stability and dependability to the user, to avoid falls and painful bone fractures.
Quad canes provide the wearer the confidence they need to get around independantly after an injury, or keep an older person mobile and free to live on their own. Quad canes do not make it harder to walk in an narrow area, they simply provide more balance. Quad canes can be used by both left and right-handed people.
Features of a good quad cane:
- It should be of high quality i.e. it is made up of aluminum alloy attached with locking rings, serious duty joint and hard brass press on knob adjusters. The aluminum alloy provides extra strength and safety to the quad cane.
- The four feet at the base of a quad cane should be firmly attached to the shaft of the cane and be of good quality rubber tips to provide a stable and secure grip to the floor.
- It should have good cast PVC or rubber handgrip and an offset handle design. An offset handle alleviates wrist strain one might feel when holding a normal cane.
- The quad cane should have a good adjustable length i.e. from 29" to 39"
FashionableCanes.com has a large selection of quality quad canes.
Tags: quad canes, walking canes
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