Quad Canes
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
A quad cane is an ideal for people who suffer from a loss of coordination due to stroke or other brain injury. People whose arm and leg muscle of any side is weak which causes them to experiece a lot of trouble walking, due to multiple slerosis, hemiplegia, or paresis of one arm, for example, will also benefit from using a quad cane more than a normal straight cane.
Quad canes are offered in two basic types:
- Small base quad canes
- Large bases quad canes
The bases of the large base quad canes are around 12" x 8" in measure, and the small base quad canes measure 6" x 8" at the base.
The large bases quad canes are more stable as compared to small bases quad canes because of their added dimensions, but both small and large base quad canes provide more balance than normal canes.
Almost all quad canes are manufactured with metal, aluminum alloy most commonly, though some come in chrome or other metals. Aluminum alloy, is a strong alloy metal that is both lightweight and durable. Nearly all quad canes have offset handles which help to ease wrist strain one might encounter when holding a regular cane for long periods of time.
The basic functions of quad canes are:
- During walking, it helps to improve balance of the body.
- Provide reallocation and drop off weight from lower limb while walking
- Form comfortable sensory feedback during walking.
- Help to reduce the pain of lower limbs.
Visit FashionableCanes.com for great deals on quad canes and more.
Tags: quad canes, quad cane, cane, walking cane
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