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Walking Canes How to use a walking cane

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

To start using a cane, you cannot just hold the cane in your hand and start walking with it. There are some points which must be in the mind while walking with a cane so as to get the best utilization of the cane.

Most people use their walking cane on the opposite side of their injury or weakness, regardless of which hand you write with. To take a step with your walking cane, place all your weight on your unaffected leg, then step with the cane and your affected leg at the same time. Only step a comfortable distance forward, because if you place your cane too far ahead of you it could slip and you could fall. With your weight supported on both your cane and your affected leg, step through with your unaffected leg. Avoid using revolving doors and escalators.

To go up stairs using a cane, take the first step up using your stronger leg. Then move the cane and your affected leg to that same step. Reverse this to go down stairs. Take the first step down with the cane and the "bad" leg. Then, lower your stronger leg to that step.

If you are using a cane to improve your balance when walking, place and plant your cane firmly on the ground before you take a step. Then repeat as you walk. ALways keep fresh and treaded nonskid rubber cane tips on your cane to help keep you from slipping. Rubber tips of canes can be changed often to keep them fresh.

To further improve stability and balance, you should wear sturdy low heel shoes with nonskid soles. Keep an eye out for wet floors and sidewalks because they may be slippery. Above all, slow down your pace and take your time!

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