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Walking Canes Cane Tips

Monday, June 05, 2006

In simple words a walking cane is an aid that helps a person when walking, making travel easier. A walking cane is a stick made up of various parts that provides proper support and an added amount of stability while walking. Canes can be made of many various materials, aluminum, titanium, wood like maple or ash, plastic.

When you hear the word cane, the first question one might ask is why one should use a cane? Those who need to use a cane benefit from them enormously. Those who suffer from a broad variety of ailments can become more independent and mobile by using a cane. If you have trouble walking, consider talking to your doctor about using a cane, because walking or balancing doesn't have to be a big task.

Using a cane in the proper fashion will increase your overall stability and balance while walking or standing.

Here are some tips you can keep in mind when using walking canes:
  • Consult physical therapist before using any kind of cane so that they can help in choosing the walking cane best suited to the age and the problems affecting you.
  • If you are using a walking cane for the first time you should probably purchase a low cost cane so that you can get used to the cane before a sizable investment is made.
  • Select the appropriate cane: There are number of canes available in the market, so you should choose a cane best suited to your needs.
  • The cane should be straight and comfortable to walk with.
  • The cane should be the right height for the user, or be adjustable according to the person’s height. Most people’s ideal height for a cane will be within one inch of half their height. This is just a rough estimate.
  • When adjusting a cane, remember you can always make it shorter but not longer!
  • A good walking cane should have nonskid rubber tips so as to avoid the chance of slipping.
  • The walking cane should have very comfortable handle to make gripping the cane easy when in use.
  • The cane should be very strong and have good balancing power.
  • The cane should be light-weight so that it is easily portable.
  • A folding cane is sometimes better to use because when there is no need of the cane it can be easily folded and can be tucked away.
  • In case of any body injury, choose a cane that can hold the weight of your body and provide a very easy and comfortable walk.
  • Replace rubber tips frequently because a flat tip on cane can be dangerous while walking on wet or slippery surface.
  • While leaning the cane on a wall, the handle of the cane should be placed on the floor and the rubber tip adjacent to the wall so the cane will not fall over.
  • The most important tip while walking with a cane is that the cane should be held on the opposite side from the ailment.
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