Military Canes
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Cane collectors will be proud to honor the United States Military with these canes.
The grip on the walking cane is an antique style. The handle is made from solid brass and is very comfortable to hold. The handle style is antique, door handle style grips were very popular the past. It is very strong, and will resist being scratched or broken. The military walking sticks have a aluminum alloy shaft that tapers down to the bottom. It is lightweight, extremely strong and can support more weight than many of the walking canes we have in stock at Fashionable Canes. Because the shaft is aluminum alloy and not a wood shaft, it is more scratch resistant and stronger.
The tip of the military walking canes come with a replaceable rubber tip for added safety to prevent slipping as well as an attractive copper ferrule. All the Military Canes are made in the USA.
The Navy walking cane displays the Navy emblem at the top of the door handle grip. is walking stick makes a great gift or collector piece for any hero who has served in the Navy or anyone who has a family member who has served in the Navy.
The Army walking cane shows the Army emblem at the top of the same door handle grip.
It says, Department of the Army, United States of America. The Army walking cane would be a wonderful present for a US Army Veteran.
The Military walking canes come in many styles, including Air Force, POW-MIA, National Reserves, and Veterans.
Tags: military, walking cane
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