Walking Canes: Why People Need Them
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
- Walking canes provide mobility assistance for the elderly or disabled
- Use of a walking cane provides security to elderly people who feel they may fall
- Walking canes help elderly or disabled people maintain their independence
- Walking canes help ease back pain while walking
- Some canes provide light and an alarm for added security
- Walking canes can be very fashionable
- Walking canes can be used as decorative item around the house
- If needed, walking canes can be used for self defense
- Walking sticks help in climbing mountains or when hiking
From these points, it is very easy to see why walking canes are growing in popularity not just among seniors or disabled people. Walking canes can be a mode of fashion for every one.
Those who need walking canes differ in the reasons they need them.
- For example:
- Canes for seniors or elderly persons: Elderly people can feel confident they will not fall by using walking canes. Canes will help them maintain proper balance so they can walk with its help. A cane can help an otherwise healthy elderly person maintain their independence by allowing them to stay at home and not enter an assisted living facility. Mobility assistance may be all they need.
- Medical Canes: Patients suffering from any injury or disorder like arthritis are in need of support while walking so walking canes are very useful for the reduction of the stress from the back, knees, leg and feet. The canes used in this area are fritz walking cane and quad waking canes. People who suffer from multiple sclerosis can also be aided greatly by the use of a walking cane.
- Men’s Canes: Canes especially used by the men, known as men’s walking canes, are more robust than ladies canes. If used for style, canes give a very dashing and elegant look to a gentleman. However a cane can be both fashionable and functional, aiding the man in getting around while making him look super. The two points that should be kept in mind while choosing a men’s walking canes are masculine fashion and versatile function.
- Women’s Canes: There are many fancy and feminine canes available in the market for women. Canes designed for the use of ladies are known as women’s walking canes. Women’s canes can be very stylish, featuring beautiful designs like flowers, collages, pretty colors, paintings, and more. Some women in the late stages of pregnancy feel more secure using a cane to get around, to avoid falling. If a woman has had hip surgery or other serious procedures, a cane will help her get around easily and more comfortably while she is recovering.
- Decorative Canes: Walking canes can be used to decorate the house. Some canes are very elegant and are perfect accents for around the house. Keeping this increasing demand for decorative canes in mind, companies have introduced very attractive canes into the market, for example gold plate canes, silver plate canes silk canes with elegant handles, designer patterns, and more. These types of beautiful decorative canes will surely be a good conversation piece.
- Fashionable Canes: Now days canes are fashionable to wear for formal occasions. Canes can make an elegant accent to a gentlman’s attire for a wedding, a formal dance, a funeral, commencement, or other fancy dress affair. Keeping in view the wide tastes of the costumer’s, companies have launched a number of fashionable walking sticks in market. Some of these costume canes are very affordable for customers. Walking canes became popular fashion accessories in the 17th and 18th century and the look remains a very elegant statement.
- Canes for the sight impaired: Walking canes made especially for the vision impaired can help these people very easily get around and do their day to day activities. Walking canes for the visually impaired have multiple parts, so they can fold up easily when the person does not need them. This makes them easy to travel with and always have handy. The handle for these walking canes are usually rubber gripped so they are easy to keep hold of, and feature a strap so the walking cane can remain secure. The last part of a vision sensing stick will usually be orange to let people know you are coming. The material of the cane is also reflective so as to get attention.
- Mountain climbers/Hikers: Hikers and mountains climbers will know that a good walking stick is essential to making the trip an successful one. The most important aspect of a good walking stick is that it’s easy to hold and carry with the adventurer. Hiking sticks are very fashionable and come in a variety of styles, so everyone will find something that goes with their personal tastes.
So, depending on your needs, there are a wide variety of walking canes available in the market. The main concern that one should address before buying a walking cane is to know his needs and the quality of cane he requires.
To shop for top quality walking canes please visit FashionableCanes.com
What were your experiences when shopping for walking canes? Let us know by leaving a comment!
Tags: walking canes, canes, seniors, disabled, walking stick, Multiple Sclerosis cane, Quad cane, fashionable cane
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