How to choose a walking cane
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
So now we know who might need the use of a cane. So how does one go about choosing the right walking cane for his needs. The points to keep in mind before selecting a right cane are as follows:
1. The first and most important step before using a cane is to consult a medical doctor or physical therapist, so he can suggest the proper cane for you according to your age and the medical needs.
2. New cane users should try out a low to medium cost cane to begin with, so they can get used to using a cane and not worry about it.
3. A cane being used for medical reasons should be straight or quad cane (which is curved to offset load).
4. It should have soft and good handle which is easy to grip for all users, who may have arthritis.
5. The cane should be the proper height from the ground, so it is comfortable to use and provides the correct amount of support when walking. If it is not the right height, either too tall or too short, the cane will not help the user be mobile.
6. The cane should be well balanced.
7. In case of hikers and climbing, the canes used should be strong walking sticks so they can provide support during climbing.
8. Cane should have a secure base with a no-slip tip to avoid falls, especially for elderly users.
9. In case you are using the cane of injury, choose a cane that gives you the most comfortable walk.
Take your time when choosing a walking cane, you don't want to get the first cane you see and it not be right for you. Read the product descriptions, see the proportions of the cane to ensure it's the right weight and height for your needs, and ensure it is of the highest quality so it can provide reliable mobility assistance.
Your first stop when looking for a walking cane might be, where you can be assured the canes are top quality and affordable too.
Tags: walking cane, choosing a walking cane, affordable canes, cane, mobility, walking stick